STEM Diary Entry #3 – Week 10 Term 3

In STEM this week, I did not complete as much work as I had planned, however, I am still satisfied with the quality of the work that I completed in the lesson. In this lesson, I only managed to make a few rough sketches of my design. This is most likely to be due to the reduced time that I had to complete my drawings. This is because I also planned to print everything that I had done so far and put it into my folder, but the printer did not work and I ended up wasting a lot of time trying to get the printer to work. Despite this, I still managed to complete three diagrams of my device to different levels of scale. This allowed me to focus on both the details and the broader picture of my design. Looking at my design in different ways changed my thinking because it allowed me to identify the parts of my design that I had thought through well and the parts that I had not given much thought to. This led me to think more about the parts of my design that I had previously not thought about, enabling me to gain greater confidence in my understanding of the function of each of the aspects of my design.

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