My Crazy Coding Journey!!! – The beginnings

In our STEM lesson on Tuesday 2 May, we were asked to group ourselves into Novices, Apprentices, Practitioners or Experts based on our knowledge of coding. In the last few years, I did some coding using two website called and Grok Learning. I gained a fair bit of knowledge by completing the courses including very complicated “block” language and also quite a bit of “python” language. Despite this, I was tossing up between the Apprentice and Practitioner groups. Pretty quickly I realised that the Apprentice group probably wan’t going to be challenging enough, so I had a look at the Practitioner group. Although the standard of the Practitioner group was much higher, I still felt that there were some people in the Practitioner group that weren’t quite as experienced as me. So, I decided to have a look at the Expert group. It didn’t take me long at all to realise that this group had a much higher standard than what I was capable of, so I moved back to the Practitioner group and that’s where I decided to stay.

After this, we got the opportunity to set up our very own blogs!!! Our blogs are a collection of any notes, observations, thoughts and images that we feel relate to our coding experiences throughout the term. I’m very excited to have my own blog as I will be able to develop my blogging skills and learn even more about the Edublogs website and how to use it more effectively. More importantly, I’m very excited about being able to look back to all my thoughts and feelings throughout my crazy coding journey at the very end, and discovering how far I’d actually come since the day I first started using Scratch.

Hopefully next time, I’ll know how to think just that little bit more.

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